How You Can Help
You can help raise money for local food banks in NWA by clicking our Amazon link before you make a purchase: https://amzn.to/3m8iNZ7. This simple click allows us to take a small commission off your total order.
How this Works
Your “click” will tell Amazon we sent you to their website and if you make a purchase in a 3-5 day window Amazon will give a small commission off your total order to us. Average commissions range from 1%-4% of total order depending on what is purchased but can be as high as 8%.
Example: 4% of $1000 in orders = $40 we can donate
Amazon commission payouts are made every month and we will donate proceeds to one or more local food banks on each payout.
No Extra Cost to Your Order
Clicking doesn’t change the price or anything on your end at all. It just triggers Amazon to send us a percentage of the total order. You’re going to make the purchase anyway so why not make a difference
Report With Percentages
The report below was created today (9-11-20) and all commissions are from before we started this campaign. This shows commissions from all “Tracking ID” we have setup. I have created a Tracking ID specific to the link above called helpnwa-20. I will share a monthly report of those numbers as thing start to populate on this post and on social media.

Thank you for your support!